long story short Sony is now forcing everyone to make a playstation account if they want to continue playing a game they paid for 3 months ago
It Hurt Itself in Its Confusion 11,774 right now

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4 weeks ago*

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I mean... it's Sony. Do they really need more ways to siphon data off people's computers? I'm sure they are already well installed everywhere...
At this point all the account linking with Steam by big publishers seems more to be trolling than necessary, even for data mining

4 weeks ago

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The irony that Sony of all companies with a history of devastating data breaches demands that you entrust them with your personal information shouldn't be overlooked.

4 weeks ago

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Ten important data breaches last decade. Like seriously, talk about being a mess of security.

4 weeks ago

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Seriously! It's like "look we have lost so much data, we need more!"

4 weeks ago

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4 weeks ago

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i guess they are finding out now

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4 weeks ago

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"some" - that list got 90% of countries in the world XD

4 weeks ago

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What about the people that already bought the game? Do they have a chance at refund? They are screwed?

Sony managed to transform the game of the year in sales to a text-book example of a PR disaster.

4 weeks ago

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There are reports that Steam refunds the game even if you have more than 2 hours of gameplay. The first attempt will be declined (probably by a bot), but you can contest the decision.

3 weeks ago

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This game went from one of the most beloved games (a live service game no less) of the year and one of the best-selling games in Sony's first-party catalog to whatever this mess is just because Sony couldn't help themselves being idiots. It's hardly a surprise at this point at all.

This is like having a goose that lays golden eggs every day and one day you decide it would be better just to eat it.

4 weeks ago

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And as a bonus, my country is on the list of those excluded from making a PSN account (and on Steam as of this morning, it is also purchase disabled for me) so it will be fun to see how this develops

4 weeks ago

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Please keep is updated.

I already warned off a friend from buying the game.
Friday-saterday we had a Star Wars marathon in cinema and the game came up.

I recommend the game to him. After I came home and found about this. first thing I did was message the friend not to buy the game.

4 weeks ago

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Amazing. Arrogant Sony finally remembered they haven't been arrogant enough on Steam.

3 weeks ago

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It's not the first time nor will it be the last time Sony decides to shoot itself in the foot. It loves to do that with any of it's "online" games. At this point, the foot is a stub.

3 weeks ago

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As Lugum couldn't resist to open a concurrent thread I'll post my last comment here too.
Buying option on Steam for countries where PSN isn't available has been deactivated and according to unconfirmed info from YT Steam offers refunds no question asked to license holders (a.k.a game owners) in those countries.
Edit: Sony rowed back (for now) https://twitter.com/PlayStation/status/1787331667616829929?s=19

3 weeks ago*

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They listened to reason

Helldivers fans -- we’ve heard your feedback on the Helldivers 2 account linking update. The May 6 update, which would have required Steam and PlayStation Network account linking for new players and for current players beginning May 30, will not be moving forward.

We’re still learning what is best for PC players and your feedback has been invaluable. Thanks again for your continued support of Helldivers 2 and we’ll keep you updated on future plans.

3 weeks ago

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damage is already done and trust lost over all sony games
the only reason they did it was cause all the refunds no matter how long ago you purchased and how much play time you had
what they did was illegal in some places of the world and action was taken

3 weeks ago

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What's sad is Sony and the game developers getting into this PR nightmare because bosses decided to take unpopular action to look good short-term in the eyes of investors by boosting PSN account numbers. Those responsible should step down.

3 weeks ago

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I 100% agree about lost trust in Sony. I for one had heard about the data breaches before but this incident shed a bright spotlight on them (they're so many that they seem intentional. 'Best'-case scenario? Sony is incompetent and cannot protect your data) and other bad practices. Hot take: Honestly the crap Sony has pulled over the years is way worse than what Epic has ever done. [Press F for the fallen disney deer]

I think the illegality of their stunt and being very loudly called out for it within minutes are the main reason for them backtracking.

Steam issuing refunds and pulling Helldivers 2 from (most of) the 100+ countries which cannot create a PSN account are the second strongest reasons, two huge steps that Steam may very well have taken on its own and they'd be sending Sony the bill one way or the other.
Steam's legal team might have issued a very stern letter to Sony.
It's not like it hasn't gladly kicked other big publishers from their store before. EA and Bioware points come to mind.

Moving forward, I wonder how long will it take for the game to be available for said countries again?
Will Steam and Sony even make it available again?

3 weeks ago

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It's kinda sad that the only weapon gamers have is bad reviews, and it's sadder that it works sometimes.

3 weeks ago

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refunds are the other weapon, just often denied.

Another reason to go gog.com, they have lot longer refund grace period.

3 weeks ago

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In this case, yeah. Since a lot of players got their refunds despite Steam's 2 hours / 2 weeks condition, they lost actual players instead of getting new PSN users.

GOG is the most user-friendly store out there, just doesn't have as many games (worth it). Though lack of regional prices is also a problem there for some people.

3 weeks ago

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Sony's reputation was dragged through the mud, not just by reviews.
Game news outlets were tearing Sony a new one and its long history of incompetence in protecting its customers' data was being highlighted.

Vahid is right. Refunds played a huge part and Steam was gracious about these.

3 weeks ago

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That "we're still learning what is best for PC players" bit of theirs is such incredible levels of utter bullshit.

3 weeks ago

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thats a what can we get away with this time

3 weeks ago

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