As a way to give users the option to avoid "porny" games, without unnecessarily blacklisting other users who may dispose of such games here, I suggest two solutions:

  • a way to filter out / 'blacklist' by publisher / developer
  • a 'greylist' option where I can opt out seeing of all of a user's GAs without blocking them from my GAs

I know individual titles can be hidden, but there are sooo many porny titles that blocking them individually is like an endless game of whack-a-mole.

Does anyone think either of these ideas would be useful in cases other than porny titles?

11 months ago

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If we could get one solution, which would be more useful?

View Results
a way to filter/'blacklist' by publisher / developer
a 'greylist' option where I can opt out seeing of all of a user's GAs without blocking them from my GAs
filter by potato

Importing/Exporting of Hidden games list could enable a community driven master list which catches such games.
This will also ensure new users(& old) can sail smoothly without dealing with the headache of facing these games again and again.

11 months ago

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As I already suggested previously - we can have a community filter list: all the games that was filtered sorted by amount of times each one was filtered. From there people can look up for most filtered titles and add them to own filter list.

11 months ago

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Sometimes I do use blacklist just not to see giveaways from an individual, so a greylist to block their giveaways-only would be really nice. Since it's not like blacklist, it should be toggle on/off any time without problems.

11 months ago

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Sometimes I do use blacklist just not to see giveaways from an individual, so a greylist to block their giveaways-only would be really nice.

what's the difference? you wouldn't see their giveaways either way but still see their comments either way. or you just want to let them enter your giveaways? you'll have a few dozen/hundred/thousand random accounts entering either way, one of them will get a game they'll never play, +1 or -1 entry surely can't be that important. or maybe it's something else I didn't think of.

11 months ago

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Community-wise it's just rude. Just because I don't like someone else's giveaways doesn't mean I don't want them to join mine. Unless it's a bot account, huge leecher or open cheater etc. I wouldn't want anyone to not be able to join a random giveaway.

I usually hide giveaways anyway but sometimes they're too much at once, that's when I go blacklist way. If there was a way to hide an individual's giveaways, that would make this simpler in my opinion. Also if I want winner to play games, I'd just go for such groups e.g Playing Appreciated, Playing Matters so that's not a problem.

11 months ago

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any reason can be good enough for a blacklist (or similar) for a particular person and community doesn't have to mean everybody's entitled to everything, but if you're just throwing keys into the wind then it doesn't matter one way or another, that's true.

11 months ago

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Well that's true :). From my point of view, there are some deserve a blacklist here but the ones I block because of their giveaways doesn't feel right. At least I wouldn't waste my BL slot for them if I can even though my list is very small.

11 months ago

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is there a limited amount of bl slots?

11 months ago

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Yes. I think it's 1000.

11 months ago

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that's good to know and bad and unnecessary to have. still better than steam's 100 (I think).

11 months ago

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Yeah, even 1000 wouldn't cut it for curators.

11 months ago

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I don't visit the main store page often, so maybe they're in the way there or somewhere else, but not sure why anyone would want to ignore any. I used to ignore the scummy/meme ones but realized I literally never see any of them anywhere, and since they share the same 100 slots as devs, I'd rather use them on those.

11 months ago

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I think there aren't any curators on the main page for some time, unless it's a publisher/dev from a game you played. I basically ignore their existence too and don't bothered by them. The idea of it nice but probably 99,9% of them are useless and there are really useful ones how Valve intended. It's kinda like Steam points, since they introduced them the community pages filled with useless guides and reviews.

11 months ago

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sure, but why outright mark them as ignored, an actual effort, if they never show up anywhere anyway?

11 months ago

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They used to show up on the main page and it was kinda disturbing too. It was also on the main menu I suppose. They reduced its visibility since it didn't go as they suggested I assume.

11 months ago

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that might be it. not sure what they expected, give poeople anything with zero control and they'll find ways to exploit and ruin it. tags, points, anything.

11 months ago

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They trusted common sense and it failed them. :)

11 months ago

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being able to blacklist by Publisher/Dev is the best option imo(other than maybe importing of hidden games so a masterlist of trash can be given to anyone to hide)
upside of blacklisting publisher/dev those asset flip dev accounts will never show up for us again.

11 months ago

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To whom is it pomy??
What are the criteria?
If we read and use some external DB, are we not unknowingly complicit in censorship? (Does it include unrelated games?)

I would like to know if such points can be easily resolved.🤔
It may be less time-consuming to figure out how to batch feed them into a filter for hiding.
Perhaps a one-click hide is currently available as an option.
(I do not use these).
I think there used to be a better one, but it seems to be gone.

11 months ago

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"To whom is it pomy?? What are the criteria?"

Those are fair questions. My solutions do not trip over those questions. The 'community filter list' does, but mine don't.

When each user can individually say 'enough of this publisher' or 'that user is welcome to enter my GAs but I don't need to see theirs', I don't see that as any kind of censorship when one user's choices only affect themselves.

11 months ago

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If that is the intention, it is easy to understand.

It would also be nice if there was an add-on that would do that, but I can't seem to find anything powerful enough to do that right now.🙄
Well, maybe someone or his or her add-on developer will look at these conversations and come up with a better way, and there is no harm in thinking about it and posting the story.

11 months ago

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The API data definitely includes the Developer info, so I think it's doable.

11 months ago

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[Userscript] NSFW games filter
🙄Rumor "shows up". 👻Interesting, isn't it?

It is also a gratifying story that there are people who are willing to take on the challenge of this type of development.
XD Oh, you already knew that.

11 months ago

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just search giveaways using wishlist only then?

11 months ago

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The main page is one of the ways I become aware of games that are new to me. So, no, that's not a useful solution.

11 months ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 months ago

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adding a game to your wl so you can use that view is one click, filtering tons of trash here every day is considerably more. it might be one way to find out about new games via random unfiltered giveaways, but it's easily one of the least effective methods.

11 months ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 months ago*

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yeah but as I said, there are mucb better ways of finding out about them then random giveaways of bundled games. and if you don't even add them to your wishlist, then you can't be that interested anyway. to each their own I guess.

11 months ago

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I use also, so wishlisting a game to make it easier to find GAs for here might mean getting trade offers for it there, and often my hope-to-win interest isn't as high as the current trading value. So I do find myself combing the main page and clicking titles that aren't in my wishlist view.

11 months ago

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fair enough. speaking of, I tried barter once, that site is a fucking mess. the steam store itself as well, to be fair (partly thanks to devs, publishers and users abusing its systems that are often questionable at best anyway), and that's a billion-dollar little project.

11 months ago

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I'm satisfied with Barter organizationally, although I'll concede it's not pretty.
To each their own.

11 months ago

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Well, I just ignored them 1 by 1 and when 1 shows up again I ignore right away, see no issue in that, but can understand that at first it's a time consuming matter.
What I find an issue for it, is that on Steam you can set it that it doesn't show 18+ content, here you can't do that which basically means the 18+ pictures are shoved in your face and can understand not everyone being very happy with that.

11 months ago

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i want a filter that will hide the cheap shitty vn/puzzle asset flip porn game. and show me the cool ones like bonetone and larry and bad ass babes
blocking dev/publisher, id be down for that.

11 months ago

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It gave such suggestions in the past, in the one or other way, but cg don't care.

So nothing we can influence/do.

Save the time of suggestions and have pleasure in the the real world (nature, reallife friends etc.).

11 months ago

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if by porny you mean lazy trash whether it has boobs or not, sure. shit like trivia vault, *.hede, etc. I doubt anything of the sort is gonna get implemented using that sweet fanatical ad money, but checking not only one's wishlist but ignored titles and devs as well would be good. too bad not all of these fuckers have dev pages on steam, gotta ignore their 'games' one by one. (though with their constant 90% discounts on already cheap $300 stuff, at least filtering steamdb by new low prices won't show them either).

11 months ago

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I'd appreciate SG adding:

  1. a setting to hide all the games I have hidden on Steam. I believe this is doable via ESGST but I'd like to see it built-in to SG settings.
  2. a key word filter. So I add VR, baseball, basketball, sport, furry, hentai, comedy, etc. and then no longer see games with any of those words in their titles.
  3. Your #1, filtering by publisher/developer - there are some that only introduce awful asset flips. It would be nice to be able to zap them!
11 months ago

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Well, Steam clearly marks what it believes to be "Adult-only games", and you can setup your Steam account so you never see them in the Store. That setting should be somehow inherited by SG, I think (or at least we should have a similar setting here).

Not that I am prudish or offended myself, but, yeah, IMHO, people should have that option.

11 months ago

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You seem to imply that we can rely on Steam's labelling of 'those' games as "Adult-only" or "Sexual Content" and I have to disagree respectfully. I have not found that to be reliable, although maybe it's gotten better since the last time I checked.

11 months ago

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Oh, no, I 100% agree with you that Steam's labeling is not really reliable (hence "what it believes to be")... But I would argue no labeling will ever be very reliable (since different people have different takes on what is acceptable and what is not). Since there is a "standard" done by Steam, I think it should be used. I mean, if Steam gets it wrong, you will end up seeing porn in their store page anyway, so at least it is not SG's fault that you were exposed to that content.

So my take on the subject is: Steam's classification in a broad sense, which can be filtered by some simple toggle; then each user can finetune it using his/her personal "hidden game list" (which is already in place).

11 months ago

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this is a great idea!

11 months ago

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Filter by Publisher seems like it would be clearly-useful for a wide range of things, since there's many publishers that release a bunch of small, inexpensive, similar games and if you're not interested in one of them it's very likely you're not interested in any of them.

Though, while this would be harder, an even better option would be to filter games by Steam tags. The problem is that this would surely be more work to implement - while that information is certainly available from the API, I suspect that Steamgifts would have to cache it, which wouldn't be worth it for this alone. That said, it'd be useful information for Steamgifts to have to work with for a variety of reasons, so it might be something to consider if development ever moves in that direction.

11 months ago

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I'm not so sure on that point regarding Steam tags. I use Playnite, which gets my library info through API, and it doesn't show me Steam's tag info. Genre, publisher and developer, yes, but not the tags.

Do you know some software or a website that definitely does get Steam tag info via API?

I'm glad filtering by publisher is resonating with some folks. It's a shame that Potato is garnering more interest than Greylist.

11 months ago

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Steam Library Filters depends entirely on being able to filter by tags to be useful. I don't know how it gets them, though, just that it shows that there's at least some way to do it.

11 months ago

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I've made userscript for myself to hide giveaways of nsfw games.
Seeing this discussion I uploaded this userscript to GitHub. So those who uses SG on PC and wants to hide nsfw giveaways can try it:

Upd: updated script and posted in discussions → user projects

11 months ago*

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Thanks for sharing that.

11 months ago

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i keep on thinking about this and really should be the right time for cg to think about a filter for Adult Only content hosted at SG.

meanwhile, i've thought a simple solution, but needs collaboration from our entire community: we create a Steam Group, say SGAO, AdultSG... everybody can join, and everybody should/could/has to share Adult Only content in that Group.

no need of ESGST, no furious clicking for users that, rightfully, asks to hide that content.

as this Adult Group would be known only here in Discussions, we, the users, will try to spot Adult Only GA's that are public and invite the creator to join the Adult Group.

11 months ago

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This idea has merit.

11 months ago

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I think it would be far simpler to have a toggle to hide games that are categorized as adult only on steam.

11 months ago

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To quote someone I have a loving respect for...
"You seem to imply that we can rely on Steam's labelling of 'those' games as 'Adult-only' or 'Sexual Content' and I have to disagree respectfully. I have not found that to be reliable, although maybe it's gotten better since the last time I checked."

11 months ago

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