Do you wish you were playing more games? If so, what's holding you back? If more than one answer applies to you, vote on the one that seems most relevant.

For myself, it's a combination of...

  1. I have not owned a gaming PC in almost a decade due to frequently relocating and switching to a 13" laptop years ago. People think I have a secret Steam account with thousands of games but this is my primary account and I never built up a Steam library 🤷‍♂️

  2. Gaming doesn't seem quite as enjoyable as the past when I would drive across town with a CRT monitor in my passenger seat to visit friends for LAN parties (which involved 50% gaming, 50% Windows network troubleshooting). It's partly nostalgia but I also feel it was easier to be more immersed in games when I was younger. For that reason I usually spend my time with other hobbies at the moment.

With all that being said, I am curious what modern gaming has to offer and one of these years I'll take the time to build a new gaming PC. Did anyone get back into gaming after a long break?

1 year ago*

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What prevents you from gaming more often?

View Results
Games are too expensive.
I need to upgrade my PC.
I can't find an interesting game to play.
Not enough free time.
I prioritize other activities.
Other (let us know in the comments).

PC broke right when I arrived at Uni and have been too broke ever since to fix it lol.

That, and I guess there's a slight inclination not to just yet anyway, because I know it'd have me spend way too much time in my room when I do.

1 year ago*

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most likely only a single component broke down

1 year ago

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Yeah, definitely. It's the CPU. However the PC is in dire need of a complete upgrade - and I also don't really feel like replacing the part with a similarly old, subpar part that will work with the rig when I'm intending to fully upgrade it when I can anyway.

1 year ago

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if really old then a 2nd hand part may be so cheap it's worth it just for the pleasure of having it work, but chances are it's not that old either I guess

1 year ago

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For me the issue isn't that I game too little - I game enough, and then some.
However, I seem to get dogged down in the non-completion type games, like online shooters, or some ridiculous clicker game....
That eats up my time so I ''don't have enough'' for normal games.

I'm stupid.

1 year ago

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Honestly this was me until recently. like it took me so long to take a break, but I legit got tired of waiting for patch day, or new league day, or new fortnite chapter, etc. I always wanted to try another clicker game or something too, but I had to keep telling myself the whole point of it is that it's endless, like I could play for many lifetimes, and I'd never finish. To make it worse, they have in game purchases to "help" you finish the game. Like yeah spend $600 if you'd like to actually finish the game. For me it was a toxic environment, I just didn't know it.

If I ever play one nowadays, I play for 1 - 3 days, then uninstall it, regardless of progress.

1 year ago

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the whole point of it is that it's endless, like I could play for many lifetimes, and I'd never finish

1 year ago

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Sounds legit, i know for a fact that i hate to sense the moment when a great game comes to a close. It´s like a gigantic "dopamine rush's over" banner with confetti and all the fanfare, flipping me off. Guess i´ll be slicing Witcher 3 up enough to last into my sixties.

MWO on the other hand, a MMO with cash grabbing economy and absolutely no active development since 6 years, somehow accumulated 800+ hrs and is my most played game (uninstalled since 2019 but still up there)

1 year ago

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For me this is part of it--I have time to play games, but rarely enough energy to feel like learning a new game, so i default to something I know (which happens to be the baseball manager sim Out of the Park, or a handful of other titles) instead of a game I "really want to play--someday"--but have never taken the time to learn. When I do find time to learn a new game from my backlog (Skyrim & Mafia Remastered come to mind as 2022 highlights), I play a lot of them. Instead, very often I go "I have 10 minutes now, why bother learning something new" or, "I have time but my brain has shut off."

During regular hours I tend to be too busy to play, and when I'm not too busy and do game, I kinda feel guilty at all the things I'm letting slide in order that i can play games instead. 🧐 😂 😬

1 year ago

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Yes, I feel that too.
If I want to play some games I feel like I have to re-visit university...

1 year ago

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This rings so true with me you can't believe.

1 year ago

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un-/fortunately you ain't only one indeed XD
luckily samwise84 events - X is a "play a game you won on Steamgifts" month
got me little bit on track (at least I play more of those I won)

1 year ago

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I feel you. Games that are, like, 80 hours to complete really drain my time, too. That's part of why I usually stick to little indie games that wrap themselves up in 20 hours, max. You start, you play, you finish, you get to try something new. It's a good loop.

1 year ago

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Yeah, that describes me to a T. I have a flexible schedule generally, so I'm playing enough games to be happy, but just recently I downloaded like 1300 mods for Skyrim and that'll be a 500 hour run at the least. Do I enjoy it? Oh hell yea I do, but also kinda hard to get to new games while doing silly stuff like that :D

1 year ago

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1300? How long did THAT take? I want to say I added about 200 or so and it took about 30 hours to decide what. And then of course you get the inevitable crashes from stuff that just don't want to play together. I can't imagine trying to get 1300 mods to work together! I recently found the "collections" on Nexus and tried one of those, disabled some I didn't care about (mainly Civil War stuff, I never do those) and added only about 6 but I still get the rare (but still there) CTD or a weird can no longer move bug

1 year ago

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Took around 2 days of actively doing it and an extra day to finish the remaining downloads and doing the full install

1 year ago

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sadly i am same and this applies on animes etc too :( (i dont have enough time for normal games part)

1 year ago

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The lead in to these polls are slowly painting a picture of the elusive cg, what will he/she/it reveal next?

1 year ago

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I think the "he" has been confirmed -- while there are absolutely plenty of female gamers out there, if you go back and look at the "driving their computer around to go to LAN parties" crowd, that was about 99% males.

1 year ago

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My detective skills are slipping!

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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What prevents you from gaming more often?

Not enough free time.

I am in trouble because it is not legal for kappa to work amongst mankind.
I have a sore back from being hit by a car of humanity. It will soon be two years.

I need to upgrade my PC.

Yes, I wanted a good computer from humanity.
It seems to take too long to convert the earth into a computer.42

Games are too expensive.

Expensive? Money? Oh, if we control the human race, will it be free? Or would it be less bloody to manipulate people into abolishing their currency. Thank !😁

I prioritize other activities.

The time to take care of your people is absent, but if you don't have to stay up all night for a week and stay in front of the game, it won't demand that much of your time.🕛

I can't find an interesting game to play.

For those who do, we recommend that you apply to all of them and play that game "when you win".
Rather, ideally, you should not apply to games in which you have no interest.

If you do apply for a game in which you have some interest and win, be prepared to play it.(人Θ'o)♪

By the way, how is the game community management game going? 🐟🐈 🎣(Θ`*)ゞooO(💰)

1 year ago

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too little time - plus my laptop is not the best - but really i just don't enjoy games as much anymore and would rather give the game away then have it site on my account not doing anything (got too many already doing so)

1 year ago

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Missing from poll:

I squander my time getting games (SG / Barter / Humble / Fanatical, etc.) when in hindsight I wish I had been gaming more often.

This is part of my not-gaming phenomena. It's just easier to spend a spare 12 minutes here than it is to play a game like Control for that length of time. When the 12 minutes spiral into 45, I look back and think... I could have accomplished something in-game with that much time.

To be fair to the pollster, this might fall under "I prioritize other activities."

1 year ago*

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Games are just not fun anymore. I wish i had the will to play them cause i have too much free time.

1 year ago

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For me, I play a little less than usual because I want to experience a bit of everything, kind of like a jack of all trades. However it doesn't stop me completely from playing and I honestly can't find a reason not to play over pretty much all activities or to not experience many games. I think I got more into different games towards the end of 2022 so I played more than during covid time, when I worked more. I know some people always watch tv shows, movies, etc. It's the same reasoning to me, except in a game I actually interact in some way, I'm not just a watcher, so it's an easy win for me.

Regarding games, there are so many opportunities today it's great.

Nostalgia trip? Play the old games you played as a kid, or try other old games, chances are they might be free too, just got to do a bit of annoying setup to get them running.

Travel too much and can't take your pc with you? Uhm, yes you can, get a steam deck, plug it into any monitor and you're good. Maybe get a keyboard and mouse and a hub for convenience. No monitor, no problem, it has a screen, and you can add non steam games or whatever on the extra storage.

Haven't played x years? Well pretty much every year has had some sort of good game, so that's just better for you, I don't think there's a single year we couldn't name at least 1 great game, and if you don't have a lot of time, then this is more than enough. Chances are there's a few really fun games. You could literally play just the top 5 of every year and you'll have a few thousand hours of content.

Gaming doesn't feel like the way it did before? I remember reading once the reason for this is because we're pressured that at our age we're supposed to do other things, not play games, and so we kind of turn on ourselves in the process, we make ourselves not like games, to satisfy the likeness of others. It's like we don't fit into the status quo so it makes us feel bad and in the attempt to fit in, we throw away things we like. I mean it makes sense but I'm under the impression that after we get through a portion of that life, we'll realize no one really cares that much about us nor should they be so offended we have a hobby, because chances are those people have something they enjoy too, again like binging netflix shows, or listening to podcasts, or maybe they're actually watching streamers or something.. It also doesn't help that nothing can replace the first time you made a char as a kid in World of Warcraft on a vanilla server, for instance. There will always be that nostalgia. That experience was pretty magical. Chances are they have many other important memories of the sort, and yet they separate gaming from those, because gaming seems different. It's really not. I think this is the topic people struggle with the most when considering playing games, but it's just a bad approach, it's just there meant to enjoy.

Like I wouldn't watch 50 isekai animes in a row. It gets stale, I'm not going to listen to the same song 2500 times on repeat, I'll end up being extremely bored of it. Same with games, I'm not just going to play tower defense games for 100 hours a week and that's it, I try to play things that give me different experiences, story games are great cause most of the best ones are different enough. You have to try a few things to see what you crave. Lastly, don't play too much either, or you'll be burned out and nothing will feel fun.

Personally since I got a VR headset and a pc to handle it, I've been enjoying beat saber and others, I also just played through the room 1, still got to do the others and now the VR version too, recently won dying light here so I played through that and despite not being a fan of scary games I really enjoyed it, so much I bought dying light 2 to play eventually, then I played through dishonored 2, having finished the first a long time ago, still have to play through death of the outsider. I want to play more co-op games, but unfortunately finding people and have all of our schedules work together is a pain in the ass.

I played a ton of final fantasy xiv and it was a great experience(has a free trial to level 60, I'd say it's worth it) but I want to take a bit of a break so this year for me is a bit of a step back from mmos and multiplayer games where it never really ends and there's no conclusion and each few months there's an update that makes you irrelevant again, and instead experience a lot of games I myself passed on too for that. Doesn't mean I'll stop completely trying out anything multiplayer but I'll give it less of my time to do other things, and play other games too. There's games I look forward too like ark 2, payday 3, Hogwarts legacy(I do wish they would've made it co op, feels bad), starfield, vamp the masq 2 and more like the newly released one piece odyssey but it will have to wait for a sale since my back log is already huge or hitman 3 which I just got.

The best advice I can give you, is to mostly avoid free to play games, the big subscription mmo's. The content is okay, but if you really want to have fun, you'll either have to spend money, either have to spend hundreds of hours, and somehow it's going to turn into a job and give you burnout. If you do play them, play them for a bit, and alternate with proper fully finished games in between. Nothing wrong with enjoying some multiplayer games, it's just nowadays they're meant to make you feel like you just achieved absolutely nothing and that to finish the game you will need 8 lifetimes. It's pretty unrewarding and annoying.

1 year ago*

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Voted for pc upgrade, but free time (lack of) is a big factor too...

1 year ago

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It used to be a lack of hardware as I was hopping from used laptop to laptop (or craptop) just to have a computer-ish device. I had last owned a proper desktop PC (if you can call it that) before I finished high school. Then for university, a laptop just made more sense anyways, plus it was another country (other voltage, other plugs, not my own home etc). After that, well, I was in no position to afford anything better.

Since last September, I finally have a Desktop PC with what I am told is decent enough specs. Now it's the lack of time and/or energy after work. But I am trying to get back into it. I have such a backlog to catch up on lol.

1 year ago

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Not having Free time and also i dont have a monitor and desk i brought them to my workplace.and the single player games have become boring for me and my gaming buddy is busy so i can't play anymore

1 year ago

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i brought them to my workplace

Wow, why? :D Isn't it usually the other way around? Workplace provides a table and a monitor so you can work at home?

1 year ago

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Because the workplace is mine and im short on money 😂
It took me 10 minutes to send this comment.another reason im not Playing anymore is because of the protests in my country and government decided to fuck the internet its almost impossible to play multiplayer with this internet
Sorry for my English im still learning*

1 year ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago

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I have all the time in the world but I also have psychological issues that prevent me from playing/enjoying games as much as I'd like to. It's really hard for me to get started, I have some kind of mental block and ocd-like symptoms. I find it difficult to pick a game and I'm always waiting for the perfect moment. During a game I'm thinking about other games.

1 year ago

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I do this sometimes, I've been trying to start playing gothic 1 and hitman codename 47 from start to finish, but every time I start it, I end up playing 10 minutes and want to play something else. I wonder if it's just because they're really outdated games and I struggle with the controls, I can't alt tab properly, I can't make resolution work properly, things like those. I also dislike having to look for patches, fixes, graphical updates and quality of life updates, Nostalgia says yes, old me says it's too hard and there's newer easier games out there.

1 year ago

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Yeah with old games I think I'm just gonna watch a youtube video explaining the story, if available (I have a strong need to know the stories of games even if I don't play them). It's just too big a hassle dealing with such issues. That said, a lot of newer games are too long and complex for me as well. I'm at a point in my life where I'm hedonistic and I've made everything easy and it's hard to get back into anything challenging.

1 year ago

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I can't find myself interested t to play new games when I'm trying to improve in Street Fighter V, like I have time, but it stead of playing new game, I just watch youtube or something.

1 year ago

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At the moment, I probably play too much so gaming prevents me from doing other things. I can relate to the comment about spending time on SG, barter, Discord, etc. Rather than actually playing.

1 year ago

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Problem was hardware. Then in the summer I managed to upgrade the GPU so that improved a bit. Had the chance to game more often.

But since then I have moved to a temporary small flat while looking to buy something decent, so now I don't have a workplace or gaming space really. I just have the PC near the TV and if I get a longer evening alone or a free weekend day I turn it on and play a bit. Buut overall it has gotten a chore to turn it on.

Laptop on the other hand is the small 13 inch work laptop. I can run only older or low spec games, which is fine, but overall don't really find the time to actually game on it as well. At most 30-40 minutes once every 3-4 evenings.

Overall I have realized that if I wanted I could definitely game more but I just find other things to do to be more productive and beneficial. Learning to play guitar now, going to gym, reading books (started the last book of Harry Potter yesterday), spending quality time with GF, working on professional development (sending in CVs for prospective work opportunities, researching topics, trying to come up with some business ideas... dealing with grownup life you know .... shopping, taking care of the flat, of the car.. Trying to remain social...... Also I spend about 10-12 hours at my workplace so that eats up a lot of the time. Definitely have to work on time planning, gaming or no. But for me it's definitely mostly the prioritization.

As I've already mentioned in other discussions I am debating on getting Steam Deck as well. Might come in handy to push in more gaming in the day. I mean I don't work full 10-12 hours of course. I eat breakfast, have coffee, read news, plan the day. I could easily put about an hour of gaming in the morning. Maybe even after work an hour or so. Since it's heavy traffic and my GF is workaholic as well I leave work after the traffic eases up. So if I eventually pull the trigger and buy the Steam Deck I hope that will lift my block on prioritizing gaming in light of doing everything else.

1 year ago

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Laptop's dedicated gpu chip burned, so can't game or do anything too demanding with it. Well, it's really old and needed upgrade for a while anyway. Waiting for pc gpu market to settle and will build new desktop pc for 1440p gaming.

1 year ago

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I feel like "I can't find an interesting game to play." does match my situation but not in the sense it is meant. It's not like there are no interesting games, it's more that there are too many games that might be interesting that decision paralysis sets in and I end up playing none of them.

1 year ago

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Last few months i wish i had more time for games, pretty busy at work and when i get back home i am too tired to play anything.

Before that i was gaming enough, but had problem with choosing what to play next, so always got back to playing Counter Strike 1.6 as easiest choice. And i tried BLAEO, Pay or Play, PAGYWOSG, and i still have problems with what to play from my endless backlog :D

1 year ago

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Usually not enough free time, but tonight specifically my PC decided to go through a crisis and every few minutes pop up a Not Responding error. Updated drivers and a couple other things before deciding I’ll just turn off PC for the night and do something else!

Always the way..! I’ll try again after work tomorrow haha

Maybe it’s a sign to buy that overpriced imported steam deck …

1 year ago

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I have been playing a decent amount of games for the past few years, so I don't feel like this pertains to me right now, but it has in the past.

There is another reason why people have a hard time continuing to play games, but I don't know exactly how to explain it, it's a mental thing. I don't know if it's a motivation issue, depression, or something else. They can still love gaming and own tons of games that they haven't played and want to play, but have a really hard time bringing themselves to actually sitting down and playing a game. Then if they find something to play, they may really enjoy the game and have a lot of fun while playing it, but everytime they stop playing it's really hard to get the motivation to even launch the game again. I'm not talking about taking a long break, they have the free time and it is the next day, but they just can't find the ambition to launch the game and start playing again.

I remember some threads in the past talking about this, but I'm not sure which ones specifically. I just searched and these are what I came up with:

I grew up gaming and then at some point I got addicted to playing Counter Strike. I loved the competitiveness and interacting with other people, but I mostly stopped playing other games. This went on for almost 10 years. Then I found out about game bundles and started getting into indie games (I think around 2012). I played a few amazing indie games that made me remember what I love about gaming and that got me back into single player games. Some of these games were Antichamber, FEZ, Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons, The Cat Lady, and Dust: An Elysian Tail. Since then I have broken my addiction to online competitive games and have been playing a ton of single players games, but I have gotten into the mental slump I mentioned above a few times and had a really hard time bringing myself to play games. I don't know exactly what causes it, but what breaks me out of it is usually when I find a really good indie game.

Here's some other games I enjoyed a lot: Life is Strange, Last Day Of June, A Short Hike, Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, ABZU, STALKER: Shadow Of Chernobyl, South Park: The Stick Of Truth.

1 year ago*

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OMG. Your words "spoke" to my heart, entirely. This is EXACTLY what I think about most people ,myself included!
I collect games (not so much nowadays) but my motivation...falls short. Sometimes I find a game and play it for hours, sometimes , even I have tons of games, I cannot sit and play, I do other things on my PC and eventually spend my time on other activities!
My time is limited but all of the above you just wrote, are 100% true about many, many people!

1 year ago

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due to Russia-Ukraine war I can't reach my home PC that's powerful enough and with big screen. I don't want to buy new PC while I'm in another country, and disdain to play smth big and shiny at my laptop. So now I only sometimes play small pixel-art games

1 year ago

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you could consider geforce now Not sure if available in your country but it saves issue installing stuff and you can play certain high aaa games if you own them of course :)

1 year ago

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thanks for the idea, but it doesn't help with size of my laptop's screen :)

1 year ago

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Hook your laptop through hdmi on your tv 😀

1 year ago

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wow. I have a TV at my current apartments. It's always turned off, so I started to forget it exists. I'll try your idea, thanks a lot!

1 year ago

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I cant work because illness and dont have money T-T tried make youtube channel but dont got soo much view

1 year ago

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Adult life (work, partner, house chores and gym) keeps me busy, so I can only spare a couple of hours per week to play something. And then, of course, I always make the wrong choice of spending those 2 hours in some brainless/dopamine rush kind of game rather than jumping in a demanding game.

As a respectable member of this community I do spend more time buying games than playing, because our hobby is collecting not gaming, lol.

1 year ago

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+1 for the first paragraph. Life has me also spending less time on SG groups as well since it took me over 3 years to run low on games to give away, and I'm buying bundles less often than when I first got into bundles. Also work stuff ramped up for me this past year, which broke my motivation to play most games from certain genres I consider time consuming like RTS, sim/management, and slower turn based games.

I too have fallen prey to brainless numbers-go-up games, specifically mobile, during this past holiday season. On one hand I was sick for part of the time, so I didn't feel like gaming at my PC, but on the other hand I could have taken the time to get Steam Link running from my phone to PC when I know that my network handles it well.

I've spent more time discussing games than playing them just because spending work breaks on my mobile phone's browser is easier and less risky to my attention span than trying to play a PC game.

1 year ago

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People have real life, so do I.
Free time is never enough.
According to Steam Replay I got 881 Achivements from 77 games last year, which I think is good enough.
But I am willing to do more if I can have more free time =)

1 year ago

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