Ok, so in case anyone is having similar issues, it seems I've found a solution (I'm on an iPhone). It seems that each time the app auto-updates, it resets the login requiring the whole SMS verification thing again. I believe that Valve's SMS server was down for a couple days, so the SMS option was unavailable.

Instead of logging in again after the app logs you out and trying to get the SMS code or trying to remove and then re-enable SteamGuard, what you have to do is just reboot your phone (turn it off fully and then power it back on again). After this, for some reason the app magically remembers or authorizes the login credentials again and you won't have to go through the SMS runaround.

Hopefully this might help someone who may be experiencing similar issues!

Original problem

So I was about to put some cards on market to prep my wallet for summer sale since everyone is going crafting crazy right now and cards are selling well, when suddenly I'm logged out of my Mobile Authenticator and I have to do the SMS code thingy again to re-enable it because it stupidly asks for a SteamGuard code to access the app which produces SteamGuard code (recursive headsplosion). Fine, I've done it before, it's minorly annoying but whatever.

Hit "send SMS" button. Nothing. It worked a couple days ago without issue when it randomly logged me out.

Hit it again. Wait an hour. Nothing.

Do the "disable authenticator with recovery code" option. Have code sent to email instead. It works.

Authenticator is disabled, try to send SMS again to re-enable. Nothing.

Reboot phone to see if that will help get SMS. No SMS.

Open app. WTF, suddenly I am logged back into the app and can get SteamGuard codes.

But wait, all is not well. I'm on 15-day market hold because "you haven't had Steamguard active for 7 days"

Also, the app is giving me SteamGuard codes but below that section it is acting like I don't have authenticator enabled and it is asking me to enable it... with another SMS code send option. FML.

8 years ago*

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Thanks, Valve. :(

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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best logic ever

8 years ago

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I thought they abolished so called expander from all their MP games? Expanders in dota got wiped a long time ago.

7 years ago

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It was just a pic I found on google image search that shows Valve's propensity for these types of recursive logic fails in their programming.

7 years ago

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Or how you cannot use email anymore to login if you've got steam authenticator. Sucks if you're at a place without wifi for your shit.

8 years ago

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market holds on your own account stupid rules

8 years ago

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at least, you have a phone

8 years ago

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I had this problem as well after a steam app update. I thought they would have fixed it by now.

8 years ago

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Found a solution to my problem, so bumping! Also, luckily, I did not have to wait another 7-15 days to start listing items on market after re-enabling SteamGuard.

7 years ago

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I had a similar issue and the support guy kept implying there was no issue and copy pasting a generic FAQ then randomly it fixed itself after I started grilling him. Could just be paranoid, though.

7 years ago

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I think Valve was probably getting a lot of those questions into support, which is why they've pushed 3 updates to the app in the last week. The funny thing is, each time they push a new update it happens again and is obviously not fixed!

It'd be nice if support actually gave a workable solution though like the one I've found instead of just being mindless FAQ pasting drones.

7 years ago

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sighs I wish I'd noticed this before. It's not letting me sell my cards now >>

7 years ago

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Or, it is, just not from my phone?? I have to do it on my computer

7 years ago

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If you disabled SteamGuard, you will have to re-enable it by having it send the SMS again. I had this weird issue where I had SteamGuard codes coming to my phone but SteamGuard was actually disabled in my profile, so I had to do the SMS step again to get the system to recognize that I have SteamGuard on. The SMS system was broken for me for two days, but after an app update and resetting my phone the SMS function worked for me yesterday and I regained full access to market with no wait periods.

7 years ago

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Bump for exposure, since Valve updated the app again today and again it logged me off. Resetting phone still works though.

7 years ago

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