This is such amazing news. Personally, I've been following the Release the Snyder Cut movement ever since it started and participated in a few campaigns over social media. Now, I'm not a Zack Snyder superfan or anything and I don't think his DC movies are absolute perfection. But I do care about not screwing artists over and trying to not only erase their work from existence but changing it so much that it becomes unrecognizable, like WB did with Snyder and everyone involved in that project. Especially those that were totally cut from the final movie, and especially in the tragic circumstances that took Snyder out of the way and allowed WB to do what they did. I don't even think the released version of Justice League is all that bad, but I am pretty sure the Snyder Cut is miles above. With all that said, the excitement for this is through the roof and I cannot wait to finally watch what the Justice League movie should've been.

Today, mega corporations gave in to long term public pressure. This is a historic day.

4 years ago

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Are you excited?

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Yes! #ReleaseTheSnyderCut
No. I don't like seeing other people happy for something that doesn't affect me.

Back when the movement started and all throughout its existence, some people claimed the Snyder Cut wasn't real. To them, I say...

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4 years ago*

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4 years ago

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I don't think the majority even understood what a "cut" refers to in this case.

4 years ago

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It might make a 4,5 movie into 5 at the end. I don't expect a miracle

4 years ago

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Now thereโ€™s someone whoโ€™s way overrated.

First movie: mediocre remake of a classic
Second movie: shot-for-shot adaptation of a great graphic novel
Third movie: bad shot-for-shot adaptation of a phenomenal miniseries comic book
Fourth movie: bad book adaptation
Fifth movie: only original thing he ever did, and it sucks
Then three bad comic book adaptations

How someone gets to make so many bad movies in a row is beyond me. He must be blackmailing someone at DC

Edit: my first guess was better - heโ€™s fucking someone at DC. His wife is the producer.

4 years ago*

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Personally I think that 300 is hilariously bad, and Watchmen is a very enjoyable movie.

4 years ago

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Watchmen as a movie isn't terrible. It's not great either.

It doesn't hold a candle to the book though, because a few key changes to the plot and characterization completely change the meaning behind the work. And then there's how the comic handles a lot of foreshadowing (which is impossible to replicate in a movie format)

4 years ago

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Well, I haven't got that many good reasons to really, but I've boarded the hype train. :D I never watched Justice League, read and heard waaaay too many off-putting things about it from people I trust, but I DID really enjoy Man of Steel; and I think all that extra time they're giving the cut could really help a slow story-teller like Synder tell his story well. And that mans also had a lot of time now to think back and reflect on the project, understand fan feedback, as well as now having all these funds they're apparently giving him (20-30m??) to work with and restructure/reshoot it. If this could at least go from a 3-4/10 to a 6/10, I'd be really happy. I love these characters so I don't need anything amazing to enjoy myself... Just something not-terrible.

And correct me if I'm wrong here, but didn't Joss Whedon take over much of the original theatrical cut? Because Snyder had to leave the project for a family death?? I think a director change like that can always really fuck up a project. Especially when there's such a vision swap, and a difference between artist's styles (couldn't really imagine two more different directors, honestly).

4 years ago*

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Mega corporations don't employ real artists and make real art if you have self awareness to call them MC. They make a conveyor belt product and Snyder knew the rules of the sandbox he's playing in. Following the success of Joker vs the flop of Harley Quinn solo movie,this is just the suits at WB/DC investing in what they think might pay off financially-doubling down on self seriousness and pretention of Snyder's previous offerings. The could care less about some social media crusade of hashtags for nerds.

4 years ago

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Harley Quinn had a solo movie? I didn't even watch just for the trailer train wreck but wasn't this supposed to be the Birds of Prey movie?
Not that DC deserves better when they sign off on that kind of crap.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Can't say I was a fan of either of the DC movies he produced or directed. Batman v Superman especially was painful to watch.
I think his style worked the best in the Watchmen and maybe 300. The issue in Justice League was the terrible writing not the visuals, I don't see how he could improve that.

4 years ago

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no amount of footage could fix that mess. but it would at the very least make some scenes less awkward. hopefully the villain will be less bland.
then again superhero movies are not real cinema, so who cares

4 years ago

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I will definitely watch it! they pooped Batman in the original tbh :) Let's see what does this one to greatest Director of DC universe!

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I always prefer to see director's cuts or extended cuts so I'm excited, especially since apparently so much was changed.

4 years ago

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Closed 3 years ago by SomeoneTookMyUsernam.