Update 2016-04-11 cg's Hide Games Faster update means you can hide games in the background without having to refresh the page even if you don't have this script installed. For compatibility reasons, I've released version 1.3 which suppresses the script's functionality until I get it working with the site's new way of doing things, and adds a (hopefully) helpful message explaining the situation. If you were having trouble hiding games for the last few hours then this should fix the problem.

Update 2015-11-16 Shortly after my last update, Extended Steamgifts version 2 came out, so here's a new update (1.2.1) that works with Extended Steamgifts 2.

Update 2015-11-14 As of version 1.2 this script is now compatible with the endless scrolling feature from Nandee's Extended Steamgifts script. Thanks to ChibiCthulhu for requesting this.

Update Special thanks to patetico for taking a look at the source and spotting a tiny-yet-critical bug. The script should now be working as intended.

If you have version 1 of the script installed then check for updates - version 1.1 should hopefully fix any problems you may have been having

Hi. I made a userscript to make adding hiding games on SG's giveaway list a little bit more convenient, and a lot quicker for those times when there are several games you want to hide.

Right now it's quite easy to hide a game on SteamGifts, but it can still be a bit of a pain if there are several games you want to hide. Without this script, this is how you'd do it:

  • Click on the "hide" button for a game you don't want to see anymore
  • A popup appears asking if you want to hide all giveaways of that game - click "Yes"
  • Wait for the page to refresh
  • Repeat the whole process for each other game you want to hide
  • If you change your mind and decide you don't want to filter a particular game after all then you need to go to www.steamgifts.com/account/settings/giveaways/filters, recall the name of the game and search for it, and click "remove"

Once you have this userscript installed, you can do it like this:

  • Click on the "hide" button for each game you want to hide. No waiting, no page refreshing, no confirmation popups
  • If you change your mind and decide you don't want to filter a particular game after all then you can simply click on the "hide" button again to undo hiding it

Hope you like it. Feel free to give feedback in the comments or with the poll.

You can get steamgifts.com improved game filter from its GreasyFork page. If your browser already supports userscripts then simply press the big green "Install this script" button. For instructions on how to add userscript support if you don't already have it, press the big green question mark (?) button to the right of the install button.

This userscript has been tested and works on Firefox (with the Greasemonkey addon installed) and Google Chrome (with the Tampermonkey addon).

8 years ago*

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Have you tried it? What do you think?

View Results
I like it
Seems nice, but it's not for me
I don't like it
I want to use it, but it isn't supported on my browser yet
Haven't tried it, not planning to
I can't figure out how to install it
I don't install userscripts

You made it because it is sooooo difficult to hide games in the current state?

8 years ago

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Nah - I just found it annoying if there were several games I want to hide, to have to wait for the page to refresh over and over.

8 years ago

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Wish you had made this for gameminer around 10 months ago.

8 years ago

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yeah, i find that annoying too

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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You mean to tell SG to temporarily ignore filters and show all games? At the moment there is no way to do that - you might have some luck sending a feature request to support and hoping the feature gets added eventually.

But if you want this functionality I could make a script to simulate it, so that you could click an option and the script would quietly scan your filter list in the background, save it to localStorage, and remove your filters, all in the background. That way you could effectively disable your filters and re-enable them whenever you want with one click.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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The easiest way is to either log out or open SG in a separate private session of your browser of choice.

8 years ago

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That sounds like a sensible way to do it.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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I'm not sure I get what it does, or how that's useful. Is it really just shading out GAs upon filtering them, i.e. it's not adding them to the sitewide filter and it's not hiding it from the page? And this shading is lost when I reload the page? Because that's the behavious I noticed when trying it out in Chrome...

I was rather hoping for something like SG2O where it's a single click to add games to the sitewide filter (but I don't currently need all of SG2O's functionality).

8 years ago

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I was rather hoping for something like SG2O where it's a single click to add games to the sitewide filter (but I don't currently need all of SG2O's functionality).

That's exactly how it works. I'll make some screenshots to demonstrate. The first screenshot has a few giveaways shown.

Let's say we're tired of seeing Bad Rats, so we click on the hide button. All the Bad Rats giveaways fade out and get an animated line pattern to show that the game is being added to your filter in the background.

As soon as the script hears a response from the server the background changes to a still cross pattern. The game should now be in your filter, and if you refresh the page you won't see it anymore.

If you change your mind you can click the hide button again and it gets an animated line pattern going in the other direction to indicate that it's being removed from your filter.

When the script hears from the server that it has been removed from the filter, the game goes back to looking like it originally did, indicating that it is no longer hidden.

View attached image.
View attached image.
View attached image.
View attached image.
View attached image.
8 years ago

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Thanks - I get the pattern, but the game doesn't get added to the filter list, and when I reload the page, then the game is no longer hidden, nor the pattern applied. That's not how it should be, if I understood you correctly?

8 years ago

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Yes, that's definitely not how it should be. I wonder what's going on - that cross pattern should appear only after getting a successful response from SG's server. If I may ask, are you using Firefox and Greasemonkey, or some other browser/addon combination?

If anyone else has this same problem then please reply to me here.

8 years ago

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Using Tampermonkey in Chrome. Disabled all other scripts and styles. Completely restarted the browser. Still doesn't work, e.g. if I click on the recenty Payday GA to hide it it gets the two-way pattern, but Payday still does not show up in my filter. And it's obviously still visible when I reload the page.

8 years ago

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Ah, that explains it! I wrote and tested it for Greasemonkey on Firefox. In theory it should work elsewhere too, but it seldom works out that way in practice. I'm planning to add Tampermonkey/Chrome support tomorrow.

8 years ago

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Great, thanks for your efforts in making SG a better place

8 years ago

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Also - added to the SG Add-Ons Registry.

8 years ago

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Much appreciated. That's a really nice and useful thread :)

8 years ago

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Have Tampermonkey check for updates and then try again. It turns out that there was a bug in my code making it try to add to my filters instead of yours when you click on the hide button, which is why it was working for me but not you.

8 years ago

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Works perfectly now, thanks matey!

8 years ago

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Cool! Totally agree the current system is a huge waste of time, one of the reasons I'm not on SG as much anymore.

Looking forward to nuke tons of junk with it, thanks!

8 years ago

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Sounds like a great idea! I installed it, but I'm still getting the confirmation dialog when I try to hide a game. I'm using Firefox and Greasemonkey, and the script shows up as enabled in Greasemonkey. What am I doing wrong? I tried disabling SG++ in case there was some kind of conflict, but that didn't do the trick.

8 years ago

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That's odd. I'm not sure, but I'll let you know if I get any ideas.

8 years ago

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I'm using an old-ass version of Firefox (v31.7.0) from the ESR channel. Would Firefox version make a difference?

8 years ago

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Ah, that would explain it. I'm using a Javascript feature which was added in Firefox 34. I can easily change that when I get home this evening. When there's an update I'll reply again to let you know.

8 years ago

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Awesome, thanks!

8 years ago

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Sorry - with a busy weekend I forgot this for a while. The script is updated to version 1.1.1 (how long can I keep adding .1s? :p ) which has template strings replaced with regular strings. Hopefully this will make it work on ESR 31. If not then let me know and I'll grab a portable ESR Firefox and look into it.

8 years ago

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Yup, it works for me now. It doesn't do the cross-hatching thing that it does on non-old-ass ESR Firefox, it just greys out the title, but it's still far better than the forced refresh. Thanks!

8 years ago

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Mozillaa firefox - not working.

8 years ago

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Thanks for letting me know. It seems to be working for me though. Can you describe what's going wrong for you?

8 years ago

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I can't see buttons "hide".

8 years ago

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Hi. Sorry for the late reply. If I understand correctly, you're expecting a new "hide" button to appear after installing this script. Correct me if I misunderstood.

This script doesn't actually add any new buttons; it just changes what happens when you click on "hide" button that's already there. See the picture below:

View attached image.
8 years ago

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I found it, thanks!

8 years ago

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Doesn't work properly in Firefox.

Sometimes it works, and sometimes it gives me the pop-up message asking me if I am sure that I want to hide the game.

If I get the pop-up, cancel it then reload the page and click on the hide button then sometimes it works. Then when i click on another game I get the pop-up again.

8 years ago*

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I finally managed to find the problem after turning my other scripts and their options on and off.
The problem is endless scrolling (I use extended steamgifts for it).

If I go into options of Extended Steamgifts and turn the endless scrolling off then your script works flawlessly. If I turn the endless scrolling on then it doesn't work most of the time.

Could you please make your script compatible with endless scrolling?

8 years ago

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It took me a while but I got it working. As soon as you get updated to version 1.2 (should happen automatically) you be able to use improved filters and endless scrolling at the same time. If you run into any problems then let me know.

8 years ago

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Thank you so much! Time to go on a filter-frenzy xD

8 years ago

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BarefootMonkey can you tell me do you plan on making this script compatible with endless scrolling? Two days have passed and you haven't said anything.

8 years ago

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he might be dead ...

8 years ago

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Hi. ChibiCthulhu. Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long (I'm glad message notifications are back now) and thanks for finding the source of the problem you were having. I haven't been using endless scrolling, but I'll install extended steamgifts and have a crack at making them compatible when I have a bit of time - hopefully this weekend.

8 years ago

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That's great! Thank you so much for taking a look at it.

8 years ago

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Hey me again, sorry for bothering you once more. Just wondering did you find time to take a loot at it?

8 years ago

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I would love this as well. With continuous scrolling turned on your script works on the first "page" of results, but nothing after that. I have continuous scrolling turned off for now so I can use your script, but having both easy hiding and continuous scrolling would be awesome.

(And have a bump -- more people should know about your great work.)

8 years ago

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Thanks :)

Good news: I just finished adding compatibility with this, so as soon as GreaseMonkey (or whatever you're using for userscripts) gets the update it should work for you.

8 years ago

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Awesome, thanks a lot! I just forced an update on the script and it works great with endless scroll.

8 years ago

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I think ESG's latest update broke IGF's compatibility on continuous scrolling pages. It stopped working today.

8 years ago

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Fixed! Awesome work. Have a bump.

8 years ago

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Such a handy script. Thanks!

8 years ago

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Amazing! The page reload that happened every time you hide a giveaway was so f* infuriating.

The only issue is that it doesn't work with the ESG endless scroll thing -works on the first page only-

Thanks for creating and sharing the code :]

8 years ago*

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I'm glad you like it :)

Thought you might like to know I just uploaded version 1.2, which makes it support ESG's endless scrolling.

8 years ago

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Great! Thanks :)

The new ESG update broke it but I simply downgraded to the previous ESG version and it's working fine, ESG 1.5.6:
I just removed the 'updateURL' to make sure it won't auto update to the latest version.

8 years ago*

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It should be safe to upgrade ESG again :)

8 years ago

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indeed, it's working fine now :]

8 years ago

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Have another bump for creating an extremely useful script

8 years ago

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And I just realize this is a thing. Thank you!

8 years ago

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The same issue with endless scrolling seems to exist when using SG++ (http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/7euKx/steamgifts-beta-updated-041-live ). The filter works on the first page of giveaways, but after SG++ gets to what would be the second page, it pops up the normal "hide" screen instead. If it's not too difficult, would it be possible to make the script compatible with SG++ as well? Thank you!

8 years ago

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Thanks for letting me know about SG++. I should be able to fix this, but I might not a chance to work on it until Christmas

8 years ago

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Thanks for looking into it

8 years ago

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Sorry to bother you, just wanted to see if you'd ever gotten a chance to look into the SG++ issue. Thanks again!

8 years ago

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I got addicted to hiding games I don't want. In the last 2 days I've blacklisted over 800 games!
Thank you again for making this awesome script, makes life on SG much easier.

8 years ago

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I haver never installed, Its just an addon? Well, I gues that if so many people is* using it must be useful

  • Is "is" or "are"? People is? people are?

Sorry for spelling mistakes

8 years ago

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This is going to help sooo very much :D THANK YOU!

8 years ago

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Hey there! Thanks again for this script, it's a real time-saver. Do you think it would be possible to add another button inside the giveaway page?

It would be useful for trains and invite-only GAs.

8 years ago

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The latest site update sadly broke this script. :(

8 years ago

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I see. Thanks for letting me know.

8 years ago

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I'll second talgaby, script was broken by the update.

8 years ago

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Thank you to cg for improving the site's "hide game" feature (source). It's an excellent improvement to an already great site.

I've made an update to prevent this script from overriding the site's default hiding feature until I can make it compatible with cg's update.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Agreed. cg just needs to give us a way to turn the confirmation pop up off, and this script would be able to be retired, with much thanks from the grateful users.

8 years ago

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I know. It's just a temporary measure - I'll be sending out a "version 2" update soon (maybe this weekend) that will make it work like before. I just need a bit of time to make sure the compatibility's up to scratch.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Yay! \^.^/

8 years ago

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Just wanted to throw my appreciation for all your hard work in here as well. Looking forward to version 2!

8 years ago

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Version 2 is up. It's compatible with HTTPS and the new filter system, but otherwise works just as it always has. I also added a (hopefully) helpful notice that appears when the script is updated or used for the first time.

If you already have the userscript installed then you should receive the update automatically.

By the way, I understand that when the site moved to HTTPS a lot of scripts stopped working, and people were advised to manually edit the scripts they use as a stopgap until the authors could update them. Be aware that if Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey notice that you have edited any scripts then they might disable updates for the scripts that were modified. (This is done in case you don't want your changes to be overwritten and lost when an update arrives). If anyone has this problem and needs help then just say so and I (or maybe someone else) can give you instructions to get updates working again.

8 years ago*

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Cool, thank you!

Be aware that if Greasemonkey or Tampermonker notice that you have edited any scripts then they disable updates for the scripts that were modified.

I'm not sure this is always the case, some scripts I had edited seem to have been updated without my explicit consent. However, I do run TamperMonkey (on Chrome 64 beta) in Beginner mode, so there's that.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the update!

8 years ago

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I disabled the script when it stopped working. Now I enabled it and updated it via "Find Updates". But the script wouldn't work at all. Then I removed it and installed it again and now it works without a problem. So if anyone has issues with it try doing that.

Anyway, thank you a lot for the update BarefootMonkey, I love this script.

8 years ago

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Yes, it is working again! β™₯

8 years ago

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