Welp, it's over! Congrats to all of the winners, and thanks to all for being so proactive on claiming your gifts! There are only one or two outstanding ones, and I've only had one so far that had an issue (world conflicts and some countries not being able to claim global keys...not like it's the citizens' fault for what their crazy leaders do, but I digress πŸ˜‰).

Anyway, I have a pretty good idea with some starter code for next year's event, so here's to hoping that I have the time to do things the way I want to then. Until then...well, enjoy the holidays, however you celebrate them, and spend time with friends and family doing unimportant stuff, which is the most important thing of all.


Well, bad news first: no game this year for my Halloween giveaways. I actually started something and had the code half done, but realized that I really didn't have time in my schedule to finish it the way that I wanted to. But hey, it's a good idea for next year and at least I have a jump start on it now. So, I wanted to go ahead and give away all of the games I'd collected for this event before it got too close to Christmas. 😁

On to the good news: I realized that we could still have a little fun, because what I did have time to do was work up some AI art and put together some trains behind Jigidi puzzles! So here you go: four fairly easy Jigidi puzzles, each one granting access to a different train. The level required to enter each train starts at 1 for the first train, and up to 4 for the last train. The games get progressively better on average as you go up, but there are at least a couple of little treasures in each one.

One thing I'll say here: NO CHEATING. I'm not the fastest at Jigidi puzzles, but if it took me ten minutes and you solve it in two, then I know you didn't actually solve it. Cheaters get blacklisted. Don't make me do that, ok? Ok.

There's a theme to the art. See, since I was already late trying to make my Halloween game, we were heading toward Thanksgiving. And I feel like Thanksgiving is the forgotten holiday, sandwiched in between Halloween and Christmas. And so I planned a game that would have a turkey fighting Halloween characters in an effort to retire them in time so that Thanksgiving could be properly celebrated. The game is postponed, but I thought I could go with that theme for the Jigidi art. So, I started with one graphic (actually a BUNCH, but this is the one I finally chose) of a Turkey shooting at Halloween creatures. And then I thought, "well, the dude has to fight Santa Claus too, because all of the stores put out Christmas stuff before Thanksgiving is even close and people decorate their houses too early as well." So, then we get our turkey vs. Santa Claus for the second train. But THEN...hooooo boy, AI got crazy on me. I tried to create a clear (but admittedly complex) prompt to have the turkey in the middle fighting Halloween creatures on one side and Santa Claus on the other. And, welllll...you'll see when you get there. But let's just say that AI had a hard time handling that one and started merging things that I didn't expect for it to merge. The results were hilarious, so I picked a couple that I especially liked and used them for trains three and four. 🀣

Alrighty, then! On to the trains! There are 27 carts each in the first two, and 26 each in the last two. 106 GAs in total.

Train 1 (1+): πŸš‚πŸšƒπŸšƒπŸšƒπŸšƒ
Train 2 (2+): πŸšˆπŸšƒπŸšƒπŸšƒπŸšƒ
Train 3 (3+): πŸš…πŸšƒπŸšƒπŸšƒπŸšƒ
Train 4 (4+): πŸš„πŸšƒπŸšƒπŸšƒπŸšƒ

All GAs end on the evening of December 9th at midnight my time (Central Time, US). Good luck to everyone!

6 months ago*

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Should I consider starting an AI art career?

View Results
Your AI art is so sexy, I want to rip off your shirt and rub you down with ones and zeroes
I've seen better art in $1 fake anime NSFW jigsaw games from Gopnik asset flippers
Another one of these polls? Don't make me throw a potato at you

They end November 9th? I'm too late!

6 months ago

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Oh, crap...sorry. December 9th. Where has the year gone? :D

Fixed. Thanks.

6 months ago

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Happy Hallowanksgiveening bump

ty for the jigidis and GAs ofc :D

6 months ago

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Bump :) πŸŽ‰

6 months ago

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bump for jigidis done, thanks for the fun jigsaws.

6 months ago

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You're welcome! Oh hey, look! You dropped this: πŸ’™


6 months ago

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no game this year

maybe late to suggest but why not reuse a previous one?

6 months ago

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Bump for the first jigidi done, will come back later for the others ^^

6 months ago

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iirc, you're the guy who made a bullet hell/heaven mini game then shared it with us here around the same time last year, right? xD

That was one of my first experiences here on SG btw!

Bump for first 2 jigidis xD

6 months ago

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Yep, that was for the Pew Pew Pew trains event. :)

Same year, I wrote a game for Halloween, and have every year since. Well, until this year. Whoops. I'm also the guy who brought everyone the Trash Tornadoβ„’, Trash Typhoonβ„’, and the Junk Jamboreeβ„’. 😁

I actually have almost everything I need for another Trash Tornado, including a reprise of the original deck, but with new areas added. Usually I have dys help me out with this, but that dude's life has gotten really busy. So I'm trying to find a way to get access to the same software he used in the past to convert all of the Powerpoint art and navigation. Keep your fingers crossed. :)

6 months ago

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That sounds like a cool game concept, blending the holiday spirits. Thanks for the jigidis!

6 months ago

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6 months ago

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You know what? Best of luck to the chicken and all, but when your opponent is an undying and unaging overlord that somehow keeps his overworked workforce in line despite them outnumbering it by hundreds or even thousands. and you yourself are best known for getting stuffed and baked, I know who I'm putting my money on.

But seriously, thanks for the jigidis. Had a big laugh. XD

6 months ago

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Yeah, Santa really is the ultimate union breaker. Don't know how he's kept that many little magical dudes in line all of these years, so it must be some serious juju. πŸ˜†

6 months ago

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Bump! πŸŽ„

6 months ago

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have a bump for 4x solves :)

6 months ago

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Thanks you, grez. Looking forward to next years game.
When I read 'turkey vs. Santa Claus' I was certain it had to be a $1 asset flip game, but it actually isn't (yet). Market gap!

I'm not the fastest at Jigidi puzzles, but if it took me ten minutes and you solve it in two, then I know you didn't actually solve it. Cheaters get blacklisted.

Good. I have seen some ridiculously fast times on some of the jigidis I did. Although it would be very fitting to solve jigidis of AI art with the help of AI. ;)

6 months ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

6 months ago

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Happy Hallothanksgiviween xD

6 months ago

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Thanks a lot for the trains and Jigidis. :)

6 months ago

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Bump for all solved! Thank you for the trains <3

6 months ago

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6 months ago

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Bump 1 of 4 down :D

6 months ago

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6 months ago

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thats a lot of bumps!

6 months ago

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6 months ago

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quadruple bump!
last two picture were really something :D

6 months ago

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Have another bump!

6 months ago

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Fun little puzzles

6 months ago

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