I've been running sync (aka "inventory refresh") multiple times today...grinds like it normally does, and then is still red at the end as if I hadn't run a sync for days.

Anyone else having this issue, or is it just me? [And, if you are/aren't having issues, how large is your library? Mine's kinda big, and wondering if that's contributing to the issue due to timeout before completion or something.]

Game library: >7K
Inventory: ~14.5K

7 months ago*

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Is Steamtrade Matcher current syncing properly for you?

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I don't use Steamtrade Matcher (and I have no idea why I came into this thread to read about it :D )

I had this problem on Friday / Saturday, but since then it works fine for me. I have 1374 games in my library and 1828 items in my inventory.

Edit: I just synced it again... still no problem

7 months ago*

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I have been trying on/off for a couple weeks without success.
roughly 1200 games in library

my steam inventory is medium sized.

7 months ago

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I just did a refresh test, and it was successful after average amount of time waited.

Library of games = 2.6k or so
Steam Inventory = 8.6k

EDIT: Unfortunately it looks like when I search/scan most are RED, with a few yellow.

7 months ago*

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It does not work for me since September

7 months ago

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Hasn't worked for me for 3 weeks or so

7 months ago

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Valve made some changes so Robou needs to adjust STM. Latest Info I found: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/steamtradematcher/discussions/4/5239403117934237412/?ctp=6#c3872591600376807728

7 months ago

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Ah, thanks for this. It makes sense, especially with the new client. I'm sure that the API has changed again, and when that happens, devs are at the mercy of Steam. It usually takes a decent amount of recoding different parts to get things working again when their is a significant structural change in the API or some functions get deprecated.

7 months ago

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Use A instead of B is not the ideal answer, but I advise you to use this https://greasyfork.org/de/scripts/404754-asf-stm instead. It searches locally, so it always works, although it is slow as hell.
For trading the cards themselves, it uses the STM script.

Edit: Oh, I see you're already using it xD Or have used it in the past.

7 months ago

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Yeah, I have and kinda gave up on it, but that was probably like 3 years ago, so maybe I should give it another shot.

7 months ago

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I'm doing all my card trading via this script, since STM broke. Robou never got STM running like before, matches are constantly wrong since inventories are old. Never happens with "ASF STM" and I can trade like in the past.
The script only trades with Bots, tho, not real people. If you're okay with that, give the script another chance, I'd say.

7 months ago

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To add something to your original question: No, Grez, it also isn't syncing for me.
Steam Inv: 29.984

7 months ago

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