I am concerned about the new Steam Client Beta feature.
The ability to hide your games and activity in them from everyone and even from friends. It will greatly affect SteamGifts, because now a person can hide the game and join the hand with this game and possibly win it, so they will have a free game that they can, for example, create a giveaway or give to a friend. Of course, this feature is very useful for Steam users because you can hide "inconvenient" games and your activity in them (for example, 18+ games).

So I want to suggest methods to combat abusers of this function:

  1. (From those who distribute) Alternatively, ask the winner for a screenshot like this https://ibb.co/6PzvvsS (The red ball at the game settings button means that the game is hidden from Steam users). So it will be 100% visible even if he hid the game from the library, as I demonstrated.
  2. (From SteamGifts side) In some incredible way to get information about purchases and activation of the user in order to check the availability of the game, the date it was received and how he received it. So even if the user has already received one additional copy of the game from the site, by comparing the date of receipt of the game and the date of winning this game on SG, it will be possible to verify the honesty of the user.

However, I don't know everything about this feature yet. So for example, will the game be visible to those to whom you distribute the library through Family Sharing if you make it private?

I hope this post did not awaken commercialism in you and you did not run to abuse this feature. SteamGifts, just in case, I apologize.

4 months ago*

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What do you like?

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The first way
The second way
I do not care
I'm an abuser, don't bother me!
I'm going to abuse before they fix it

So for example, will the game be visible to those to whom you distribute the library through Family Sharing if you make it private?


Potato option where?

4 months ago

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Ahah, I was expecting a similar question. I don't understand this joke, and I don't even have a clue where it came from. If you explain it to me, I will be grateful.

4 months ago

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Never knew where it came from either, its more of a inside joke that got out from some place somewhere in the internet (and got here waaaay back)

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Same reply as Vincer, lol. I don't really know either, I just know everyone puts potato as one of the poll answers. πŸ˜†

4 months ago

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Potato. You need not more information.

Make it happen or perish.
Like old potatoes.

4 months ago

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Well, there are 3 options: a reference to the minions and their "banana", perhaps something about the "portal", well, or a trivial one about intelligence at the potato level.

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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4 months ago

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You always have the option to edit your original post. The only thing you can't edit is the poll. Just click the green button on the top right of the page that says "Open" and you will see a drop down menu with a button that says "Edit discussion".

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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You are not the first and most likely not the last who is afraid of the new feature.
Only people could already exploit the system, the hide feature just makes it faster and easier, before you could just ask Steam support to remove a game for you, join a giveaway and then ask Steam to add it back and since that is all automated, it's done within seconds so now it just takes a few less seconds to do but that's it, so I wouldn't worry to much about it, people who want to exploit will do it anyway and sadly not much you can do about that!

4 months ago

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Wow, I didn't know that it was even possible

4 months ago

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Someone mentioned wishlist as an option. As you can only add games there you don't own..

4 months ago

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Haven't tried but you probably can add a game to your wishlist if you deleted the game via Steam support.

4 months ago

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Deleting a game is not that obvious for everyone and you cant play games you have deleted, on the other hand privating a game is in your face in the new client, you can buy games as private. There are differences between the two scams. I'm on steam 10+ years, frequenting the forums here, had no idea you can just delete games and get them back.

4 months ago*

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Perhaps, but it sure is obvious to people whose minds work scammy. Though I agree, marking a game private is a bigger threat for SG since it allows that person to continue to play those games. This probably can be solved with forcing people to enter here with their own Steam API keys but no idea how would Valve respond to that, might not be so feasible.

4 months ago

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you can solve it by asking them to add the game(dlcs) to their wishlist, I have made a topic about this https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/BhVZ1/possible-solution-to-automatically-verify-dlc-ownership-and-privated-games-ga-added-as-demo

4 months ago

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Yeah that's a nice workaround. Though I feel like the number of public giveaways will be decreased unless there are official precautions taken.

4 months ago

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yep, it's too easy to exploit and obvious.

4 months ago

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If somebody saw my first post: edited because I had couple of discussions opened and after changing tabs I responded in wrong one xD

4 months ago*

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Is there not some function of the site that keeps track of games won and prevent you from participating in future giveaways of said game? This should be done. I am also a bit unhappy about people who have the game but enter for the dlc of like a GOTY or extended version. The site could use some more functions to be sure. Also I still don't understand why anyone concerned so much about privacy wants to be on a site like this anyway. Plenty of giveaway options that don't require any level of privacy invasion or whatever people seem to think is going on.

4 months ago

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It is impossible to do something about the dlc/ goty issue since the API cant detect dlc.

The only way you can check the dlc of somebody is having them as a friend and then go to the steam store add it to your cart and see if you can gift it or not.

If you check the gift function you get a list of all your friends and in orange text bellow the name people that already own it.

4 months ago

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That wasn't really my concern but it does explain why so many people enter those giveaways. Still it should be able to see that you own the game itself which is what I was saying. I mean the dlc thing is a very small concern versus what OP was talking about with hiding games to win more copies, if that is in fact possible to do. I'm certainly not an expert on this.

4 months ago

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It is impossible to do something about the dlc/ goty issue since the API cant detect dlc.

It can be done, but needs some work.

4 months ago

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There's a possible way, should be implemented, it would solve the dlc problem too. You can't add owned dlcs and provate games on your wishlist. https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/BhVZ1/possible-solution-to-automatically-verify-dlc-ownership-and-privated-games

4 months ago

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As a variant of solution - add an option to the SG user settings to provide Steam API key, and block giveaways until the API key would be entered and checked/confirmed by SG server (I mean server-side code of the SG). With the API key those "hidden" games should be available for the SG server to check. But it requires some work on the SG code.

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Wouldn't It also add the benefit of knowing which DLCs a user has? I think EGST can keep track of these because they sync your library using the method you suggest (Steam API key).

4 months ago

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Guess it would, if SG creator will add code for it)

4 months ago

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I never suggest anyone to create the API keys, it opens your account to many phishing scams. If the sites security is breached all the accounts that provided the API will be too.

4 months ago

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As far as I remember, Steam Web API user key does not provide any "write" access, only "read" access on some user data (include private/hidden data). For Steam Web API methods with "write" access it requires Steam Web API publisher authentication key or OAuth token.

4 months ago

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ESGST checks DLC and banned game ownership via Steam store page (requires authentication), since this information is omitted from Steam API.

4 months ago

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4 months ago*

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There already is a big topic about this, but CG, Support and thus, Steamgifts, just don't care.

4 months ago

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Those screenshots are very very easy to edit and hide. It's been an issue in the trading community for years now.

I've had cases during my game trades where people have edited screenshots and were ready to fool me.

I really don't see a solution other than activating the game via screenshare (Discord or Teamviewer).

Anyone can edit and fake images with ease.

4 months ago

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I'm not sure how much I care about this, but wouldn't a simpler option be to require Steamgift members to have the setting set to public? Certain groups make this a requirement. An automated search might even be created by Steamgifts, similar to games not activated.

Mods, yes I know that the status quo is to over complicate processes and then complain bout how busy you are. I'm kindly suggesting that if you support more tech friendly solutions, so many tickets and routine tasks can be improved or automated. Hopefully some of the newer mods have a more supportive mindset for some of these.

4 months ago

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If you hide a game from your profile, setting it to public won't change a thing since well... it's hidden from your profile so nobody but you knows it's there! Basically saying there is no way anyone can know if you already own it or not by checking your profile, that's the whole 'problem' people are talking about.

4 months ago

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Thank you. I may not have appreciated the distinction. I believe the encouragement to keep solutions simpler and to use more automation still applies.

4 months ago

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Yes, my responds was purely to the top part of your message, not the bottom part.

I do think that some part of what the mods do should in theory be doable to be automated, like for example a re-roll, what if, when the winner is okay they can just mark something so they say they agree and then the gifter could request a re-roll and it is automatically approved? Just saying something random now, but wonder why such stuff isn't already more automated so mods have more time for tickets? Maybe it's not easy as we think? Maybe cg doesn't want that? maybe...? Who knows ^^

4 months ago

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I have made a post about this, my solution would be to have the ability to set your giveaway to wishlist only, if this won't be implemented, you have to ask the winners to put the game on their wishlist,. This could work and be automated, because you can't put privated games on the wishlist, neither dlcs. https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/BhVZ1/possible-solution-to-automatically-verify-dlc-ownership-and-privated-games

4 months ago*

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